WIC Recipe Book
In celebration of WIC's 50th Anniversary, I had the honor of designing their recipe book in English and in Spanish. This recipe book provides easy and nutritious breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipes for mothers of infants and young children.

WIC 50th Anniversary Logo
Alongside designing the WIC Recipe Book, I was also tasked with designing a logo for WIC's 50th Anniversary.

NWA WIC 50th ANNIVERsary Logo
Additionally, I designed a logo for NWA celebrating WIC's 50th Anniversary. As noted on their website, the NWA provides education, guidance, and support to WIC staff; and drives innovation and advocacy to strengthen WIC.

★ 2023 GDUSA Health + Wellness Award Winner | NWA WIC 50th Anniversary Logo

Graphic Design: Daniela Aguero
Art Direction: Bailey Gregory
Creative Direction: Reece Quiñones